Has Anyone Gotten COVID-19 After Being Fully Vaccinated?

The revolutionary COVID-19 vaccine has been a game-changer in the fight against the virus. While it is true that the vaccine is very effective in protecting against severe forms of the virus, it is not 100% effective in preventing infection. Recent reports have shown that even those who have been fully vaccinated can still get COVID-19, and the delta variant is believed to be responsible for this. In Delaware, of the 545,057 people who have been fully vaccinated, 7,122 intercurrent cases of COVID-19 have been reported as of Friday.

Similarly, out of the 5.9 million people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the US, 54,260 intercurrent cases have been recorded, which is less than 1%. This shows that while it is possible to get COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated, it is still relatively rare. Vaccination also reduces the likelihood of transmitting COVID-19 to people whose immune defenses are suppressed or to members of the community who are not vaccinated. The graph below shows the crude rate of confirmed and probable cases, deaths and hospitalizations per 100,000 people among unvaccinated people, people who have only completed their main series of COVID-19 vaccines, and people who received their primary and booster series by age group during the past month.

It is clear that those who are vaccinated are much less likely to experience severe symptoms than those who are not. It is important to note that while natural infection with COVID-19 increases your immunity to subsequent exposure to the virus, it is an extremely risky move and should be avoided. That's why booster shots for the COVID-19 vaccine are recommended in Australia to help prevent intercurrent infections. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or attended a gathering where there may have been exposure, it is important to tell the host and get tested as soon as possible.

People who received at least one dose of the vaccine had a 40% lower viral load (the amount of live virus a person carries) on average, 66% less likely to test positive for COVID-19 for more than a week on a PCR test, and a 58% lower risk of suffering from fever, compared to unvaccinated people. Intercurrent coronavirus infections occur when a person who has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. These infections can cause mild or moderate illness but are unlikely to cause severe symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as Johns Hopkins Medicine and other health care organizations, recommend COVID-19 vaccines for all people age 12 and older. Contact tracing is also an important aspect of preventing the spread of COVID-19 regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not.

Elise Thorne
Elise Thorne

Amateur zombie evangelist. Proud musicaholic. Amateur web practitioner. General zombie trailblazer. Award-winning beer ninja. Typical bacon geek.